How to fall asleep, trust me on this one

3 min readJul 2, 2021

Ever felt like you should get diagnosed with insomnia? Spent countless of nights tossing and turning? Believe me, I feel your pain.

As a stressed city dweller, I am determined to make the best of whatever time I have left for sleep. Often revenge bedtime procrastination and who am I kidding, just procrastination in general causes us to push back our bedtimes. Hence, it makes the little hours we get all the more important. However, this is already the first mistake. Whenever you can’t seem to drift off, do not start worrying or panicking about how little time you have left? Or how are you going to wake up tomorrow? Or simply stressing about why you can’t fall asleep. No, seriously. DO NOT THINK ABOUT SLEEP.

Photo by Ivan Oboleninov from Pexels

Yes, that’s right. When you hop into bed (preferably in a comfortable environment — dark, cool and with some soft white noise), do not think about when you are going to fall asleep and do not stress about whether it will happen. So now you’re thinking, what should I do then?

Well, I am sure you have scrolled through many different articles going on and on about things like use a breathing pattern (it helps you to stop panicking though) or open the windows during the day for some sun or try to have a bedtime routine. Sure, these all seem nice but do I really have that much time to dedicate to sleep?

Some ideas are even more strange. One article told me to think of things that are unrelated to each other and list them. I spent a good 1hour listing like 1000 things and being more wide awake then ever.

Ok, so after lots of experimentation on myself (because I too, have trouble falling asleep), I found the golden ticket. Hear me out, you have to IMAGINE. Pretend you are whoever you want to be and literally start daydreaming about whatever it is that makes you happy. I know, sounds so counterintuitive but instead of emptying your mind or shutting down any thoughts, let your mind wonder freely. Go to anywhere you want to be, be whoever you want to be and let those IMAGINATION JUICES FLOW!

Quietly, you will slip into slumber. Goodnight.

Ok but if you’re still here, other steps to take to enhance the experience:
1. Turn off your phone (take a 15 min break before going to be.
3. A healthy lifestyle (balanced diet, exercise) helps.
4. If you have been unable to sleep for some time, take a walk, change the environment a little. Or distract yourself with something random.
5. Never start thinking about deadlines or tasks or stressful things.
^This is not the time for reflection!
6. Don’t lie in your bed during daytime.
7. Stay up and try again tomorrow (last resort ok!)

